PatientHub Ideas

Please submit your ideas for improving the PatientHub here. Feedback should not include personal health information (PHI), product complaints, or technical issues. For clinical, technical, or other support, please visit the PatientHub Help Center for contact information.

If you are experiencing a technical issue with PatientHub, please report it to PatientHub support at 1-800-313-1143.

My supply order

I placed my order on January 4th and my ordered was supposed to be delivered on the 18th. I received a call saying my order would be delivered that Friday the 21st and no one delivered. It is now the 27th and I have been on the phone with customer service for up to three hours and I still haven’t been able to talk to any One. Every month I am having problems with my order. It’s getting ridiculous

  • Guest
  • Jan 28 2022
Please select the modality this idea applies to: Home Hemodialysis
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  • Admin
    Jessica Ryter commented
    February 03, 2022 01:04

    We passed your issue along to the appropriate team who should have reached out to you.