PatientHub Ideas

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When Doing Supply Order have option for every other day for 6L and 3L liter bags in drop down menu

As someone who does connection and supply order, in the drop down menu it would be helpful to have an option for every other day as we alternate between bags daily, one day we use a 1.5% 6L Dextrose bag and a 2.5% 3L Dextrose Bag and the following day we do the reverse a 2.5% Dextrose 6L Bag and a 1.5% Dextrose 3L Bag, as our usage of the 1.5 6L Dextrose and 3L Dextrose could be more one week and the following week our usage of the 2.5 6L Dextrose and 3L Dextrose is more. Since we have to do orders ourselves now and can't call in to make supply order, this is a feature that would be helpful as the quantity delivered could be less of Dextrose that is actually needed.

  • Guest
  • Jan 6 2022
Please select the modality this idea applies to: CCPD (using a cycler)
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  • Admin
    Jessica Ryter commented
    January 06, 2022 19:41

    Hello and thanks for the idea. Are you aware of the option to select the number of bags you use per week in the ordering process? If you use a bag every other day, can you add up the number of bags you use per week and use that to calculate?