PatientHub Ideas

Please submit your ideas for improving the PatientHub here. Feedback should not include personal health information (PHI), product complaints, or technical issues. For clinical, technical, or other support, please visit the PatientHub Help Center for contact information.

If you are experiencing a technical issue with PatientHub, please report it to PatientHub support at 1-800-313-1143.

Ability to use flowsheets

My nurse via tech support and other similar calls was unable to get my flowcharts working. While the home office says I have an active dialysis prescription, your app says I do not. After the next level technician was spoken with, he said to give it four hours. This was yesterday. Today I still cannot use the app. I have sent an attachment of what my screen says. My information is Edna Shiles DOB 12-19-1966. Can we fix this so I can log vitals? Thanks!
  • Guest
  • Nov 27 2024
Please select the modality this idea applies to: CAPD (manual exchanges)
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