PatientHub Ideas

Please submit your ideas for improving the PatientHub here. Feedback should not include personal health information (PHI), product complaints, or technical issues. For clinical, technical, or other support, please visit the PatientHub Help Center for contact information.

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Vital reults for hemo patients in addition to the lab results for the periods, 7 days, 30 days and 90 days. Additionally given the number of measurements that occur during hemodialysis, none appear in vital statistics. Can these issues be resolved?

A great part of the treatment regiment is tracking our status, weight, blood pressure as well as others. Timely reporting allows the patient to see if changes in habits, type of food consumption, exercise, new or altered medications, is having an effect and the extent of progress. As the patient hub already exists and the nurse in the hemodialysis centers have the information, can this information appear in the patient hub?
  • Guest
  • May 31 2024
Please select the modality this idea applies to: Home Hemodialysis
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