PatientHub Ideas

Please submit your ideas for improving the PatientHub here. Feedback should not include personal health information (PHI), product complaints, or technical issues. For clinical, technical, or other support, please visit the PatientHub Help Center for contact information.

If you are experiencing a technical issue with PatientHub, please report it to PatientHub support at 1-800-313-1143.

Enable text notifications

when I try to set up text notifications, the confirmation code never gets sent to my cell phone, so the process is aborted

  • Guest
  • Nov 28 2023
  • Resolved
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    AJ Boucher commented
    November 30, 2023 12:10

    This should be fixed now.

  • Admin
    AJ Boucher commented
    November 29, 2023 13:35

    Thank you for reaching out I will have the team look into this ASAP