PatientHub Ideas

Please submit your ideas for improving the PatientHub here. Feedback should not include personal health information (PHI), product complaints, or technical issues. For clinical, technical, or other support, please visit the PatientHub Help Center for contact information.

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Reduce the frequency of lab test

Depending on individual, some patients should be allow to do lab work at a lesser frequency such as once every two or three months and not every month. Going for lab work and doctor appointments create disruption to our work schedules. If our data is stable, should be allow to do lab work at a lesser frequency.
  • Guest
  • Sep 26 2023
  • Resolved
Please select the modality this idea applies to: CCPD (using a cycler)
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  • Admin
    AJ Boucher commented
    September 29, 2023 12:17

    Thank you for reaching out. The frequency of your labs is determined by your provider and care team, if you have any question or comments about the frequency please speak to them directly.